RRCP Masonry Red Seal Program

The MMI is a proud supporter of the award winning Red Seal Program located at Red River College Polytech. This local treasure teaches long standing masonry construction methods along with latest in masonry construction technology to ensure your project is completed by fully trained and certified masons.

The program is run by the Province of Manitoba Apprenticeship Program and RRCP is in charge of administration and instructional expertise. This program is a 3 year, 3 level, program that includes both on site and in class training. The program works in partnership with the masonry contractors (employers) as sponsors of the students.

There are 3 levels to the program:

Level 1: 9 Weeks of in class instruction and training and upon successful completion, the student returns to the employer for on site training and application of knowledge.

Level 2: 8 Weeks of in class instruction and training where more in depth construction techniques are taught. Arch construction, Chimney Construction, Fireplaces and stonework are just a few examples of knowledge gained. The program also touches on occupational health and safety as well.

Level 3: 6 Weeks of in class instruction and training. Ornamental bases as well as evaluation of theory and practical implementation. It is at this level, upon successful completion of the Red Seal Exam, instructors ensure that the candidates have met all requirements and qualifications to become certified Masons.

For more information on the masonry apprenticeship program available in Manitoba contact: https://www.gov.mb.ca/wd/apprenticeship/

Or Visit the RRCP site at https://www.rrc.ca/future-students/apprenticeship/

Or speak directly with a Manitoba Masonry Contractors Association member. To Find a contractor member, click here.

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