The Manitoba Masonry Institute is committed to the ongoing research for the advancement of masonry and masonry technologies in todays ever changing building environment. Our vision is to make masonry a more economical, durable, and sustainable alternative, when compared to other building and construction systems, through ground-breaking research projects.
Our goal is to develop and test known and advanced masonry technologies on new and existing structures and find innovative solutions to challenges faced by the design and construction community.
We are committed to providing trusted and true information to the end user and adhere to all ethical and truthful practices when partnering with researchers and the academic community.
Click on the links below to see the latest research activities completed or in the developmental stages.
MMI is proud to partner with leading research professionals at Red River College Polytech, The University of Manitoba Faculty of Engineering, Crosier Kilgour Engineering and The National Research Council on this multi-year study on the effects of energy consumption with respect to Thermal Mass in building envelopes. The project utilizes sophisticated monitoring equipment, with the goal of collecting true and...
Alberta Masonry Council in conjunction with U of C Engineering research lab. The Manitoba Masonry Institute is a proud co-sponsor of this ground-breaking research, which will help quantify and guide designers of tomorrow, in understanding the full value of masonry thermal properties, with respect to every evolving and efficient design codes. With the construction of a state of the art...
The MMI is a proud supporter of the award winning Red Seal Program located at Red River College Polytech. This local treasure teaches long standing masonry construction methods along with latest in masonry construction technology to ensure your project is completed by fully trained and certified masons. The program is run by the Province of Manitoba Apprenticeship Program and RRCP...
The MMI is proud to support the ongoing research on the energy consumption of a newly constructed apartment complex located in Winnipeg. Together with local developer and Mason, Gus Kotoulis, we are undertaking a long term study on the thermal performance of an occupied structure. The goal is to help the design community make informed choices, backed by science and...
The MMI is proud of its continued support to the Faculty of Architecture and its valued relationship with the Partners Program. The design community and the Institute are proud of the connection we all have to the faculty and are happy to support guest lecture series from renowned architects world wide. The MMI is also proud to partner with the...
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